Involving Your Parishioners in the RCIA: The Roles and Ministries of Christian Initiation

Digital Institute

Involving Your Parishioners in the RCIA: The Roles and Ministries of Christian Initation
Presented by Fr. Ron Oakham, o.carm.
February 16, 23, and March 2, 2023
8:00pm - 9:30pm ET / 5:00pm - 6:30pm PT
$45 per computer

The presentation of this Digital Institute has been cancelled. However, if your parish or diocese would like to contract a customized closed-session of this workshop, please email us at

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults articulates a vision of initiation that includes all the baptized. Yet in many parishes it is an individual or small team that is engaged in the ministry. Join Fr. Ron Oakham, o.carm., for this three-part Digital Institute designed to equip you to engage your entire parish in initiation ministry. Participants will examine the various ministers and ministries of Christian initiation, paying particular attention to the community, sponsors, godparents, and catechists. Attendees will leave with concrete steps to identify parishioners’ gifts, invite parishioners into these ministries, and involve the entire parish in the process of Christian initiation.                                                

Recommended Resources

This comprehensive introduction to the entire RCIA includes commentary and ample space for notes for everyone involved with the RCIA to study, reflect, and prepare for the liturgy. The complete text of the rite is included, along with additional rites approved for US dioceses.

Order this resource today!

An Introduction to the RCIA: The Vision of Christian Initiation serves as a basic primer for those involved with Christian Initiation ministry. Written by Fr. Ron Lewinski, this resource provides an overview of the four stages of initiation and their accompanying rituals as well as questions for discussion and reflection.

Order this resource today!

This best-selling book has been a practical and spiritually enriching formational resource for years. This revised fourth edition gives particular emphasis to the differences that exist between sponsoring a candidate versus sponsoring a catechumen.

Order this resource today!

Introduce members of your assembly to the most basic information about the process of Christian initiation with this colorful little booklet, Disciples Making Disciples, the Role of the Assembly in Christian Initiation. After briefly explaining some of the circumstances that prompt people to seek initiation in the Catholic Church, the author suggests simple ways that assembly members can support them in their journey of formation: pray for them, be present and participate at the rites of initiation, be hospitable, give witness, and volunteer.

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Encourage your assembly to fulfill their baptismal mission of helping to form new Christians with Disciples Making Disciples: Print and Digital Resources for Forming the Assembly. To help bring people to faith and welcome them into the Catholic Christian community parishes need an engaged assembly. They need disciples ready to welcome and support the newcomers in their journey, to share their faith, and to fully, consciously, actively participate in the initiation rites..

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